Saturday, February 1, 2014

Is This For Real?

I always knew that one day in the future, I would go to the Kotel and see the ever-so-hyped Western Wall. I never thought I would say that that day was today. I know it's cliché, but there's something about being at that holy wall that truly connects you to your past and ancestors. Touching the stone for the first time brought me assurance. Assurance that the texts I study and the prayers I say actually mean something, and actually just might go somewhere divine. I constantly struggle with my ideas of a God or a
divine being, but standing at this wall for the ten minutes I did brought me a weird feeling of clarity and almost blind faith. I am in no way solid in my beliefs after this experience, but I think it's incredible that an inanimate object can bring forth such emotion.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Harper, you totally expressed my own sense of spirituality (although more eloquently than I could have)! I really admire your ability to just sit with the struggle of "belief," yet to be open to experience what it feels like to simply walk in the path of those who have come before us. I love your blog! Thanks for sharing and letting us walk alongside you! (from Rachel, Noah's mom)
